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Astronergy: Ready to provide quality PV products for solar PV demand growth in CEE region“Astronergy keeps pioneer in frontier solar tech and sophisticated manufacturing process for higher quality PV products like the ASTRO N7 66-cell products massively produced recently for utility-scale solar generation stations”, said Timo Franz, Head of Project Business at Astronergy, at the Large Scale Solar Central & Eastern Europe 2023 (LSS CEE 2023) on Nov. 14, once promoting the company’s ambitions to offer better solutions for a greener world. -
World’s leading ASTRO N7s ZBB-TF TOPCon products to benefit DG & residential markets worldwideSpecially designed for distributed generation (DG) and residential markets worldwide, Astronergy unveiled the world’s first ZBB (Zero BusBar Interconnection Technology) - TF (Tiling Film) manufacturing techs powered ASTRO N7s n-type TOPCon PV module products, which has the top conversion efficiency of over 23% among mainstream DG & residential products. -
Astronergy dual-glass TOPCon products top in PV Magazine’s module testDual-glass bifacial n-type TOPCon ASRTO N products topped at power generation in a module test conducted by PV Magazine – a globally renowned and authoritative PV media, highlighting Astronergy’s firm tech strength in TOPCon tech and great performances of its module products. -
With larger wafers, Astronergy ASTRO N7 products to drop PV power station costs to lower levelAstronergy, a pioneer in n-type TOPCon PV modules, announced that the company’s ASTRO N7 TOPCon product series added new product lines for 66-rectangular cell products, and are ready to put into mass production, offering another great choice for customers to enjoy higher gains and lower solar systems’ costs. -
Astronergy TOPCon tech arrests attentions at Solar Show KSAAstronergy, a pioneer in n-type TOPCon PV modules, showcased its ASTRO N TOPCon PV modules at the Solar Show KSA in Saudi Arabia which kicked off on October 30th and has attracted thousands of visitors to investigate the frontier tech in the solar industry. -
Astronergy showcases frontier ASTRO N series PV modules at 360 Solar BrazilDuring the two-day exhibition from Oct 26th to Oct 27th at 360 Solar Brazil 2023, Astronergy demonstrated its innovative ASTRO N n-type TOPCon PV modules, attracting visitors from within and outside the PV industry and establishing a significant presence in the South American market.