Astronergy sets its mission to create a sustainable and net-zero carbon world with solar power. Upholding "Commitment to integrity, strict adherence to business ethics, and the establishment of a fair, transparent, and corruption-free business environment" as our core values, we strive to effectively manage and mitigate compliance risks while continuously enhancing our compliance management standards.
Our compliance management adheres to the following principles:
Strict Compliance and Continuous Improvement: We rigorously comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and relevant policies. By conducting thorough risk assessments aligned with our business operations, we develop and implement effective control measures, while persistently refining and optimizing our management systems.
Integrated Coordination and Comprehensive Coverage: We have established a robust compliance management system, wherein the Compliance Department leads and coordinates compliance activities, reporting directly to the Board of Directors and Executive Management. Collaboration with designated compliance ambassadors across all business and functional units forms a cohesive compliance team that collectively advances our compliance initiatives. Compliance requirements are seamlessly integrated into every facet of our operations, fostering a culture where everyone holds responsibility and actively participates in compliance matters.
Proactive Prevention and Cultural Development: We prioritize early identification and prevention of compliance risks, employing appropriate disciplinary measures as necessary to serve as effective deterrents. Emphasis is placed on cultivating strong compliance awareness through ongoing education, training, and evaluation programs, ensuring all employees thoroughly understand their compliance obligations and contributing to a sustained and robust compliance culture.
Encouraging Reporting and Ensuring Protection: We maintain clear and accessible reporting channels, strictly observing confidentiality protocols and welcoming anonymous reports. Comprehensive measures are in place to safeguard whistleblowers from any form of retaliation, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Astronergy attaches great importance to and continuously cultivates the enterprise integrity culture. We strictly prohibit employees from directly or indirectly engaging in any form of improper conduct such as corruption, fraud, collusion, coercion, and obstruction through agents or other intermediaries. At the same time, Astronergy also requires Business Partners to comply with the same prohibitive requirements and jointly establish a fair, transparent, and honest business environment.
Astronergy attaches great importance to law compliance and firmly adheres to applicable laws and regulations in conducting fair competition. We adopt strict control measures for trade compliance, preventing insider trading, avoiding conflicts of interest, anti-money laundering and anti-tax evasion. At the same time, Astronergy also requires Business Partners to comply with the same requirements and jointly establish a fair, transparent, and legally compliant business environment.

Since the establishment of Astronergy, we have developed business relations with an extensive network of Business Partners. Our choice is based on quality, needs, performance, and costs, but it is essential that our relationship be lawful, ethical, sustainable and mutually beneficial. This is the reason Astronergy required, requires, and shall continue to require that we work only with Business Partners who are as committed as we are to fair competition, anti-bribery and anti-forced labour, data and environmental protection, as well as zero-tolerance standards for any misconduct.
It is our declared objective to closely cooperate with Business Partners to make sustainability a fundamental part of our business relationships and explicitly commit to upholding ethical standards in our business.
The Compliance Hotline, “CHINT Listens to You,” is a secure channel for reporting potential integrity violations. Reports can be submitted securely, confidentially and anonymously (online or by phone) at any time.
All reported information will be kept confidential. All retaliation isprohibited, and we will protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
Compliance Hotline:021-67777777-880080
Compliant Mailboxes:compliance@chint.com