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Astronergy n-type TOPCon products bag three authoritative awards from TÜV Rheinland
9 -13 2023   3220views

ASTRO N, the n-type TOPCon PV product series of Astronergy, won awards on great outdoor power yield performance, PV cells’ great conversion and building-integrated PV (BIPV) module performance at TÜV Rheinland’s All Quality Matters (AQM) Solar & ESS Congress 2023 held in Hangzhou on September 8.

The AQM Solar & ESS Congress was held by TÜV Rheinland, one of the world's authoritative quality certification organization, aiming to recognize outstanding products of manufacturers in renewable energy industry.

After six-month rigorous performance tests conducted by TÜV Rheinland on randomly selected samples from massively produced products, ASTRO N series n-type TOPCon PV products stood out from numerous candidates with their comprehensive advantages in roofing BIPV performance, bifacial PV module outdoor energy yield and PV cell conversion efficiency.

As a pioneer in n-type TOPCon PV modules, Astronergy is always focusing on the continuous efficiency improvement of its TOPCon cells and modules. Its newly updated self-developed TOPCon 3.0 cell tech has also enabled all its TOPCon products a great space to grow.

The three awards for its TOPCon products were not only an authoritative certification on Astronergy’s ASTRO N products’ performance, but also will be the great support for the company to strive more in its core strengths.