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Astronergy modules stably generating at Europe’s largest TOPCon PV plant
6 -30 2023   3540views

To celebrate the two-month stable generation of Europe’s largest n-type TOPCon solar farm in Germany – the Döllen solar farm, an inauguration ceremony was held on June 30 to mark the success of the power plant which is generating green energy with the installations of a total of 154.77MW ASTRO N series TOPCon PV modules from Astronergy.

After almost one year of construction since May 2022, the Döllen solar farm finished its construction and connected to the grid in April 2023. Thanks to ASTRO N series n-type TOPCon PV modules from Astronergy, the 154.77MW power output of the solar farm is expected to generate around 160,000 MWh of green electricity annually. This significant output equates to powering around 36,000 four-person households with sustainable electricity.

With the attendance of local political representatives and esteemed media members, the solar farm's importance in climate stabilization and energy independence was highlighted during on-site speeches and media reports before and after visits.

As a shining example of solar power's pivotal role in creating a sustainable world, the solar farm was financed by Hamburg-based CEE Group, asset manager for renewable energies, and developed by Antlike Solar. Astronergy’s frontier TOPCon 3.0 tech-powered ASTRO N5 solar panels play as one of the critical cores for the sustainability system.

As Samuel, CMO at Astronergy, said during a recent interview, Astronergy is not only making all module materials greener and doing more efforts in using our products to help all demanders for sustainable electricity generation.

Detlef Schreiber, CEO of the CEE Group, stated, "The new solar park at the Döllen site is impressive, with a nominal output of 154.77 MW, and highlights the potential of renewable energies as a central component of the energy transition. We were delighted to find such a high level of expertise in our collaboration with Astronergy and look forward to future projects together."