Alex Hsu – CTO of Astronergy, demystified the company’s leads of Boron-LDSE tech in improvement on TOPCon cell efficiency and TOPCon cell mass production efficiency during his presentation at a theme agenda of the PV CellTech Conference on March 14, attracting the attention of industry insiders and blowing discussions about PV tech development frontier.
During the presentation given by Alex at the agenda, he revealed that Astronergy has led in the introduction of Boron-LDSE tech in TOPCon cell production, making the mass production efficiency of TOPCon cell increase by over 0.2%. And according to Alex, thanks to the so-called Boron-LDSE 1.0 tech, each Astronergy TOPCon cell efficiency could be higher about 0.2% to 0.3%.
Based on data mentioned in the presentation, in the R&D pilot line, the average efficiency of Astronergy n-type TOPCon cells hits 25.62%. By the end of 2023, the average efficiency of the company’s TOPCon cells at R&D pilot lines is expected to reach over 26%.
What’s more, Astronergy is still working on the enhancement of Boron-LDSE 1.0 tech. Alex added that optimization and precise control of various production processes, as well as the development and fitting of relevant metallization technologies, would be conducted in Astronergy to upgrade to Boron-LDSE 2.0 tech.
The 2.0 tech is estimated to further improve TOPCon cell efficiency by 0.1–0.2%, so then the average efficiency of TOPCon cells at R&D pilot lines would be 25.62%, maximumly reaching over 26.16%.
Under the background of energy shortages and accelerating carbon neutrality process,
Astronergy is making its efforts to build PV module products with higher efficiency to satisfy customers’ needs and to help create a sustainable and net-zero carbon world.
As the pioneer in mass production of n-type TOPCon PV modules, Astronergy is forging ahead its way for a greener world with insists on improving its current techs and developing new tech trends. Boron-LDSE is just a new milestone for the tech company, more remarkable milestones will be built by it in near future.