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2GW TOPCon manufacturing capacity grows at Astronergy base in NW China
10 -16 2023   1902views

A ceremony was held to celebrate the first-piece n-type TOPCon PV cell of 2GW TOPCon cell manufacturing lines at Astronergy Jiuquan Manufacturing Base (hereinafter referred to as Jiuquan Base) on October 13th, marking the company’s TOPCon manufacturing capacity to a new high to approach its year-end goal of 53GW PV cell capacity.

Established in 2021, the Jiuquan Base initially had a 2GW high-efficiency crystalline silicon module production line. With the maturity and expansion of Astronergy’s n-type TOPCon technology, the 2GW TOPCon cell production line was successfully completed and achieved mass production. At this point, the base has achieved an annual production capacity of 2GW TOPCon PV modules and 2GW PV cells.

“As a top 6 PV module supplier at global shipment and pioneer in n-type TOPCon PV modules, we’re eyeing on global green energy market while helping all partners from our country could also have a great capacity to promote China’s carbon peak and carbon neutrality process and practising our Sustainability Strategy”, said Dr Chuan Lu, Chairman and CEO at Astronergy, at the ceremony.

On the same day, Jiuquan Base announced its third phase project, which is to construct 10GW PV cell production lines. The manufacturing capacity of Astronergy Jiuquan Base is expected to leap soon, helping Jiuquan to build itself as an important national new energy equipment manufacturing industry base.